Thursday, March 13, 2008

marne's adventures

ok, so i don't have any pics to post, but i thought i would fill everyone in on our situation. last wednesday, i went to the hospital having contractions 3 minutes apart. i was only 25 weeks, so they frown on that. anyway, after being monitored for a while, i was given 2 shots of terbutaline, and sent home with a prescription for more. we thought that would give me some relief for a few months, but alas, it did not. about 3 days is all i got. so on tuesday i couldn't stand it anymore, and went back to hospital. this time, they gave me a high dose of motrin, and did an ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid level. i am on a motrin regiment now, but it is risky for the baby. i get to have ultrasounds every week to make sure she is ok, and start the nst (non-stress tests) next week because of the 2 vessel cord thing. can i just say, i will be very happy to survive these next few months!!! i am as big as a normal woman about to deliver, and feel bigger every day. something about the 4th baby, maybe?? thankfully, my mother in law, sandy, is here, and saving the day once again. she takes care of the family better than i do i think!! so, here's to constant bedrest again everyone!!


leslie jo said...

Marne, I am sorry you are once on bedrest. I have been sick all weekend, we think its food poisoning but Jim is being a great dad and hubby taken care of all o us, That baby will be here before you know it. We really want to come down there this summer sometime to visit all that live there and new babies... eehhe
good luck.. and NATE loved the sunsets..

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are on bedrest and things are so hard/stressful. Just remember it will all be worth it in the end, and will one day only be a memory. I hope everything goes okay with the rest of the pregnancy. Yeah for MIL!

Suzanne said...

Hi Marne - I saw your name on Jess and Cami's new blog. I am so sorry to hear that you are on bedrest again. You have definatley been in my thoughts.

***LIZ*** said...

Oh, Marne! I hope things get better soon. Thank goodness for great mother in laws. Between you and Heather I think Sandy is a pro at this whole thing now.

Shellee said...

It sucks to be on bedrest. I had to do it for 2 weeks on one of the "maybe next time they'll make it" babies. But Monica had just screwed up be foot and came over to play the X-Box for a few hours. Do you have an X-Box?
Sometimes... mother-in-laws are okay. Even when they are named Sandy like ours are.