Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hope it's today

well, this morning i had my doc appt that i vowed i would not have to go to. alas, i did. i am still contracting a ton, and things actually progressed. i was dilated to a 3 when they checked me, and i was hoping they would say ok, go to the hospital and we will put you on some pitocin. the doc at the hospital said he would not do that, because the risk of a c section would be higher. they are worried that i wouldn't progress fast enough, and they would have to take her. so they finally after 20 minutes of discussion, agreed to strip my membranes. that was done the day that rebekah and caleb were born, so we are crossing our fingers. all 3 babies have been born at 230am, so we are hoping it will be before that today!! the 28th is a good day, let's just hope this little baby agrees!! everyone say a prayer that this goes quickly and everyone is healthy at the end of all this!! we are all ready to have her here. colby comes in every morning to ask if i had the baby during the night. he doesn't understand that once i do, i won't be home!! silly child. well, here's to agonizing contractions!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

nothing's happening!!

ok people, i am officially 36 weeks and able to have this baby. i stopped taking my meds last night, and am really hoping things start happening soon. i woke up afraid to get out of bed, thinking i would be in so much pain. other than the pressure of her head being so flipping low (she dropped on thursday) i am not in horrible pain from contractions. there have been a few times in the past few weeks when i was sure it was happening, but the drugs always stopped it. now, if i could just get it to start again, they won't stop it!! i know everyone is as anxious as i am to meet this little darling troublemaker!! it's funny, i've known this whole time of laying down that i was going to have another baby, and have been excited about it. but the other day, i just realized that means i will have 4 kids!! how funny is that? i am not the brightest pregnant lady in the world. i am more than ready to get this show on the road, so everyone cross your fingers for me that it starts soon. yay for epidurals!! they are the only way i would have had more than colby. :) well, that's all for now. i'll post when things start happening, or i'll have nathan do it once we're done. we'll see.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

twins and andrew

these little darlings are my sister tattie's babies. they were blessed on sunday, and had pictures taken the next day. how cute are they?? they are 9 weeks old, and andrew is 2 and a half. they are all growing so fast!! i love holding them, and can't wait for my baby to come, so i can hold her!! i am 34 and a half weeks, only 1 more to go until i can get up!! hallelujah!! i'll keep everyone posted.