then, black friday just happened to be nathan's birthday. so after getting up at a horrid 3:45 to feed rachel, i decided to get shopping with my family. sandy came too, and we were at kohl's around 5. yes, we are one of the crazy families! the silly is that i didn't really have anything i needed to get, and only got little things that looked fun. so after going to a late breakfast, we came home, and poor nathan, who was suffering from playing in a turkey bowl, finally got to open his birthday presents. doesn't he look enthused? i can't keep secrets from him very well, so he actually got a lot before this. he had a few surprises though. happy bday!
rachel discovered the joys of finding a half eaten breakfast bar on the floor, and chomping it! she had a death grip on that thing, and wouldn't drop it for anything. until....nathan came home with a hot fudge chocolate ice cream (my favorite) sundae. then she was all for bites of that instead. a girl after my own heart!! :) and on a side note, we live just around the corner from the temple, so if anyone is coming down to see the lights, they could stop in and see us!!