Saturday, October 31, 2009

lost addresses!!!

hey everyone, i accidentally deleted my listing of everyone's blogs on the side of the page!! if you don't see yours on here, can you please send me a link to it!! i am sad that i am missing out on so many people's stuff! there are fun pictures and stories out there i'm not getting!! thanks


Shellee said...

You can always look at past posts and everyone's comments. Click on their name and you'll be able to go to their profile and see their blogpage! You can copy and paste.

3in3mom said... for my photos
and for my family blog. Please let me know if you need an invite for the family one and I'll add ya!

Hope the move goes smoothly, let me know if you need any help!

nate and marne said...

chalice, yup, i need an invite.

Heather said...

Marne, where are you? Come on, we want to see pictures of the new, albeit small, place.