has been awhile since we posted anyway. To fill you all in, Marne is pregnant, but is spotting on and off frequently, Im sure she appreciates me telling everyone. Most would say psshhht, thats nothing, but with her it has always meant miscarriage, and she has had plenty of them to prove it. SOOOOOOOO, she is on bed rest until she can get another ultrasound to make sure the kid is still alive. Bed rest means that I get to play dad and mom; pelvic rest, which means for the next three weeks I might as well be 14 again hoping for a good dream; and she is nauseous which, to Marne, means the end of the world is near. Im actually not complaining, and I definitely dont take Marne for granted. I completely understand what she does around here. I just dont understand HOW she does it all.....My kids are assisting in sending me to the asylum quite earlier than I planned. BOOOOOOOOOGERS!!!!! Thats what they are... I love can they please go to sleep???? Anyways, Im gonna look up some random pics from Halloween to put in here because I need to keep up with the Joneses....EVERYONE posts a million pics with each post...its all I can do to take the 3 minutes it took to type this....You all suck and I hope you suffer extreme finger cramps from all the pic snapping. Have a nice day