a few days ago, we had a really strong wind with the storm. our neighbor's tree blew over, but the kids have such fun playing in it, that they don't want to cut it all the way down. so imagine a tree laying on its side with a large branch straight down to the ground holding it up about 5 feet off the ground. and another one sitting as a perfect little perch for small children. the kids play there every day, they even have a sheet draped over as a tent. it is a very fun place for them to hang out. well, yesterday, apparently they thought it would be fun to do the tarzan thing, and swing from a rope tied to it. the other kids did, and had a blast. but poor rebekah's grip slipped, and she came crashing down. the neighbor's mom walked poor screaming rebekah home, telling us what happened, and hoping she was ok. one look at the swelling already, told us it was either broken or severely sprained. dinner was on the table, but nathan, the wonderful dad he is, left it sitting, and scooped up his baby girl to take her to get x-rays. after a few hours, and a lot of tears, it was determined that she has a fractured wrist, and will need to see an orthopedist on monday to see about casting it. for now, it is in a splint wrapped in an ace bandage, with a sling over that. we had a rough night, getting up every few hours for more medicine. between rachel getting up to eat, and rebekah getting up for drugs, we did not get much sleep!! today has been better, and hopefully tonight will be too.
Progress and the glorious temple!
4 years ago