Wednesday, December 3, 2008

twerpy boy

ok, so my sister tat was over yesterday, and we couldn't find caleb for a few minutes. we were in the kitchen making dinner, and every now and then we would hear his little voice. well, tat went into the living room to check on the babies, and this is what she found. she just came and shook her head at me, and nathan handed me the camera as i walked by. we knew it would be entertaining! caleb had climbed into rachel's jumperoo, and couldn't get out!! as you can see, he was not as amused as we were by the whole thing!! :) why do all the kids think baby toys are so fun? without fail, the older child has gotten into the baby's swing, walker, carseat, or whatever they can squeeze their little bodies into! silly kids.
and this was the other morning, the girls were taking a bath together. this is the first time i have let rebekah be in the tub with rachel, and she loved every minute of it. rachel now rolls from her back to sitting up immediately if you lay her down, even in the water. she is just going to sit up from now on, and there is nothing i can do about it!! good thing she's so cute!!


JAMIE said...

Sitting up already!? Babies grow to fast!! She's adorable!

Heather said...

Caleb cracks me up, adn the fact that he is covering his eyes makes it even funnier. He always thinks he dissappears when he covers his eyes. Rachael is a mover and a shaker. Taryn only crawls if she really wants something. Otherwise she is stationary.