Monday, June 14, 2010


today i ran to the store for just a few things. like we all say, right? :) well, since we are limited on funds, it really had to be just a few things! rachel and i wandered all around, trying on shoes, looking at swimsuits, and basically coveting things i can't have!

well, rachel got restless, and it was either let her tear apart my purse and wallet, or give her the keys. i opted for the keys. i have dealt with the exploded purse, not fun. i have also had her throw my keys on the floor when i wasn't paying attention. that isn't fun either. so i was paying super close attention to make sure it didn't happen again, but then got sidetracked by something else cool.... we checked out, and went to the car. i unloaded rachel and the groceries, and looked for my keys...... then i remembered that rachel had them in the cart! she is notorious for chucking stuff over the side, so i am constantly putting things back in. if she threw them when i wasn't looking, oh crap!! i had ice cream melting!! and impatient kids at home waiting for it!! i looked through my purse 3 times frantically, praying they would magically appear. that she had stuck them in a random place. but no, they weren't there. on a whim, i picked up the ice cream to see how melted it was..... and lo and behold, the keys were there!!! somehow, they had gotten into the bag, under the ice cream! whether rachel had put them there, or the bagger had accidentally picked them up, i will never know, but i have never been so grateful to see keys in all of my life!!! after last week, i am starting to think i need to staple them to my clothes!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

That girl is giving you run for your money. Can't wait to see how her teenage years go.