ok, this picture doesn't really do it justice, she was looking weird here. but a few weeks ago, we came to the land of the living sunday morning, and found a huge pile of long brown hair in the trash. my first thought was that they had cut a doll's hair, because they knew better than to cut real hair. right? WRONG!!! apparently, the pony tail i had in rebekah's hair was in her face when she woke up, and decided to CHOP IT OFF!!! i was horrified. like i said, this picture doesn't really show the extent of the damage. around her entire crown is about 2 inches in several spots. i was at a loss as to what to even with it, but thankfully sandy came to the rescue again. she has been putting tiny ponytails all the way from the front of her head, down to the middle, catching all the tiny hairs. she actually looks really cute, like it was planned that way!! sheesh. anyway, to fill everyone in on my status. i am still having a lot of contractions, and have been switched over to a motrin regiment. i don't remember if i already said that somewhere. it works really well at covering up the pain, but apparently not at stopping the contractions. at my appt on monday, i found out that i am starting to dilate and efface a little. so now i am on strict stay down bedrest, which is not very fun. also, i had the series of steroid shots in the bum to help develop baby's lungs, just in case she decides to be born soon. i am at 28 weeks, and hope to get to 36. we'll see what she decides to do. i'll keep everyone posted, and have a good day!!!
Oh no, I think the hair cuts are inevitable. It is great that you have Sandy to make everything cute again. Good luck with keeping that baby in, it sounds like she is working pretty hard to get out. I can't remember if you said, but do you have a name yet?
We have been there before! I am sorry I feel your pain. I hate finding the hair all over the house. Enjoy a good book while you are down.
Hang in there! Thats got to be hard! We are thinking of you! :)
oh, Bekah, what were you thinking? I am so sorry. none of my children have managed to do his and with Taryn all scissors will be well stowed away.Just keep hanging in there. YOu need to find a way to heat your pool so you can get in. That would help with the contractions and the pressure on her cord. Racheal is in our prayers everyday.
You have just joined the club of the haircutting children. All girls and some boys have stories like that, just remember, HAIR GROWS!
Oh boy what a week! I've never had a hair cutter yet...I love the sunsets AZ sunsets do really give you a treat! Sorry to here about your troubles with the prego... Bedrest is great with a fabulous book have you read all the work and the Glory or better yet, the TWILIGHT series by Stephanie Meyer?! We'll keep you all in our thoughts and thanks for saying hi on our blog now we know where to find you! :)
Oh no! I would be so sad if Trista cut her hair! In that picture her hair looks like it was cut that way on purpose, like it is a layered hairstyle. I am glad that you had someone that knew how to fix it. I would be lost. :)
We think about you and Rachael all of the time. Let me know if you need anything! I would be happy to watch your kiddos for you!
Hi Greskos!
It's Nathan's cousin Lori Gresko-Thompson here. Found you on Heather's blog.
You have to see the haircut Grady gave Tawna and Chad's little girl Leah. She has a total mullet! Poor girl. Luke gave my Baila a haircut 2 years ago and she had bangs in the back of her head. It took a year to look normal.
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