i don't have any fun pictures to post, but rest assured that it was a picture worthy event. for those of you who haven't figured it out, rachel has been sick with a cough and thick nasty runny nose for over 3 months now. we've done 2 rounds of antibiotics, and nothing has kicked it. yesterday i had had enough, and went to see the doc again. he listens to her, and says she doesn't sound too bad, but orders a chest x-ray just to make sure there isn't anything else going on. he checks her ears and throat, and says she looks ok everywhere but the nose. orders another round of antibiotics, and sends us on our way. (after a 2 hour wait i might add!) so today i call the place to schedule the x-ray, and they say they can't do it, they don't have the needed restraints (?). i say, ok, and we set up another place that can do it. i go down there, and don't have to wait too long before being called back to see the tech. i go in, and they ask if i've seen this contraption before. i say no, and the guy says, sorry, it's a little barbaric. that is very comforting, i must say!! basically, it's a plastic cage that they pull tight around the little body, while she sits of a little seat, and i hold her arms over her head. the minute she sees that she is being lowered to this thing, she starts wailing, and doesn't stop the whole time. they get a picture of her from the back, then rotate the device to get a side shot. thank heaven they only had to do one of each, and she was freed from her prison. i got her out of there, and headed out. i was thinking it would probably be a few days before i heard anything, so imagine my surprise when less than 4 hours later, i get a call from the doc. i think, this can't be good....
it's not. he tells me there are infiltrates on her lower left lobe. thanks to my sister in law, who is well versed in all things medical, it means that there is a cloudy portion on the x-ray where it should just be clear. meaning an infection of some kind. now, it is just a waiting game to see whether the rsv test comes out positive, or if it is pnemonia. either way, she was started on augmentin yesterday, so hopefully the 3rd time's the charm!! keep us in your prayers!!